Christian Education

Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!
Click the PDF ICON for the Registration Form
Our walk with Christ is a life-long journey of exploration, learning, and discovery. The more we learn about God,
the more we grow in our faith. And the more we grow, the more we recognize the love God has for every one
of us, and for all the earth. Spiritual growth is important throughout our life, and at Wesley, we offer opportunities
for Spiritual growth for all ages.
Sunday School beings Sunday, September 8th. There will be an ice cream social following worship. Come join us for some yummy fun to celebrate the new school year!!
Nursery Care
Nursery care is provided during Sunday services for the youngest members (infants –
4 years old) of our church community by qualified adult volunteers, allowing their parents to fully participate in worship as they wish. These adults are trained and certified according to our Safe Sanctuary policies.
Sunday School
Wesley United Methodist Church offers Sunday School for Pre-K through 6th Grade students each Sunday from September – June. Our program aims to teach the love
and compassion of Jesus Christ through biblical scripture in the form of games, projects,
group discussion, and music. Children are divided into age groups, so that age appropriate teaching and conversations can be shared. At various times we bring all ages together
for group projects. Our program is led by qualified and dedicated teachers who volunteer their efforts. All adults are properly trained and certified according to our Safe Sanctuaries policy.
Children start in worship at 10:00 am, have special time with the Pastor and are then dismissed for Sunday School. The first Sunday of each month is Family Worship, when children stay with their families for the full service, including Communion. When there is a 5th Sunday, all children and youth gather together to do a joint project, providing leadership for the young adults and fun for all.
Registration forms are available for download HERE and should be completed for all students to ensure we have appropriate contact information. Young Adults and Adults interested in volunteering in this program should contact the Pastor.
Adult Study
Wesley also offers Adult Bible Study, Seasonal Studies, and other Spiritual formation opportunities on an ongoing basis. These are planned and led by our Pastor and members of our Lay Ministry Team. Wesley also participates in Lay Servant classes offered by the District through our connectional system. Be sure to be on our email list and follow us on Facebook, for more information!