SUNDAY Worship
Scroll down for the recorded service.
Wesley UMC gathers in person to worship each Sunday at 10:00 am.
This is the time when we come together to hear the word of God, and join our
voices in prayer and song as we worship our Savior Jesus Christ.
For all regular Sunday morning services, Nursery Care is available for infants and children up
to the age of 4. Sunday School is available for children ages 5 and up. In accordance with our
Safe Sanctuary policy, all adults working with children have completed a background check.
Below are our the most recent services.
To view the full archive of services please go to our YouTube page.
(Note that Worship videos may be in the LIVE tab if not in the Home or Video tab.)
Wesley UMC
Wesley UMC Worship - Lincoln RI
Wesley UMC Worship - Lincoln RI
Wesley UMC Worship - Lincoln RI
Wesley UMC Worship - Lincoln RI
Wesley UMC Worship - Lincoln RI
If you are unable to attend in person, or do not feel well,
we welcome you to watch the recorded service found above.
Here is what to expect when you come to Worship at Wesley UMC on Sunday morning:
Mask wearing is optional in the church buildings.
Music is prerecorded and shared on monitors in the front of the sanctuary – we welcome you to sing along from your seat.
We encourage you to join in any spoken parts of the service.
There is time at the beginning of the service to share your concerns and celebrations, but for privacy, this is not part of the recorded service.
Worshipers are encouraged to put their offering in the plates upon entry to the sanctuary as offering plates are not passed during Worship.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone is invited to come to the altar to receive the elements, and then return to their seats. If you are uncomfortable walking to the altar, the Pastor will bring the elements to you.
COVID Guidelines change and we will adjust our practices as needed to keep everyone safe.
Any changes will be shared on our Visit Us page, via email, and on our Facebook page.
Christ calls us to take care of others, so if you are feeling sick, please do not come to
Worship in person. Our priority is to keep everyone safe, and for people to feel
comfortable coming to Wesley, especially if they are higher risk.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 1-401-724-7954.